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The Basics of Reporting a Sale of Real Property

The Basics of Reporting a Sale of Real PropertyReporting the sale of real property could be either really complicated or relatively simple, depending on the facts and circumstances. The type of property will also impact the manner and type of taxes that need to be paid.

There may also be different tax ramifications depending on who you are selling the real property to and the structure of the sale. For instance, selling real property outright is different than selling property as an installment sale. In an installment sale, you are receiving payments periodically (annually, monthly, etc.) for an extended period of time and may be able to delay the reporting and taxation of these periodic payments until they are actually received—rather than all at once in an outright sale.

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When a Loved One Dies, Don’t Let Restorative Taxes Come Back to Haunt You

When you own a piece of real property in New York State, your circumstance dictates whether or not you are entitled to certain tax exemptions.

What does this mean? Your personal residence may qualify for a number of exemptions based on factors such as whether you are a senior citizen, have financial difficulty, or are a veteran. In addition, if you and your spouse earn under $500,000 per year, then you could file for the STAR exemption for your personal residence.

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